Why You May Be Stopped Taking Your Children Abroad After Divorce
Most of us might take for granted taking our children abroad for holidays, not withstanding pandemics and travel restrictions making it a lot more difficult than normal sometimes. However, family lawyers are often needed due to a parent being confronted with a scenario that they are being stopped from taking their child or children overseas.
The legal position for divorced parents with children makes taking them abroad, more than a case of grabbing their passports and flying off to countries around the globe. It can be a situation which needs to be dealt with correctly, otherwise, not only will those overseas trips with their children not happen, a parent could end up in serious trouble if they attempt them, contrary to any court orders.
In the vast majority of divorces, parents are given joint responsibility for the children, and whilst they may live permanently with one of those parents, the other has as many rights with regards to overseeing their health, education, and well-being.